The "I can't meditate" Intensive

We are told that meditation is good for us.  It promises a calm mind and heart.  Research studies prove that a mere 10 minutes of meditation lowers stress levels which decrease cortisol.  This is a good thing since cortisol creates inflammation which contributes to all of the degenerative diseases.

So, meditation = happiness and well-being. 


How do I do it without feeling crazy? 
Why do I feel like I suck at it? 
What are the techniques? 
All in all, it feels like "I can't meditate"

Join me for this 5 week Yoga and Meditation intensive.  Using, The Radiance Sutras by Lorin Roche, this juicy book will provide you with inspiration to explore what it means to be alive in a body through meditation.  Its one of my favorites!!!

a completely undefended looking and feeling into the essential activities of life: joy, sorrow, breathing, loving, walking, dancing, sleeping. Meditation is diving into your entire sensorium so fearlessly that you go beyond it into the core of your being and rest there. This is a yoga of delight awe and wonder.
— Lorin Roche

This intensive includes:

  • Weekly 2 hour yoga, discussion and contemplation practices to take you deeper into your yoga practice and life.
  • Practice with a community of like minded yoga practitioners.
  • Attention to your specific needs with a phone consultation with Dorie.
  • Open your mind and body to something new.  Sridaiva Yoga - the bowspring method.
  • Connect with an intimate community of other fun, insightful and dedicated yogis who love life.

Tuesdays, May 26, June 2, 9, 16, 23

Located at the Love this Life Studios in Andersonville.

9-11am or 6-8pm

*Need to miss a session or two?  no worries.  I will pro-rate you!  Register here

Register for the intensive below and then purchase The Radiance Sutras