Class Schedules & Pricing

Class Schedules

Decide when you want to offer your classes and what type of class they will be.

Factors for deciding class times:

  1. Take a little time to reflect on what feels nice to your body when you think about your teaching schedule. You may get a sensation in your gut or heart. Just checkin and marinate on that for a bit. What does it feel like if you have 2 classes/ week or 4 classes/week. Do you want your weekends free? The answers will come. And the beauty is that can all change cause this is your business and you’re the boss.

  2. Take a poll with the people who already come to your classes or your friends/family as a resource. do these people have jobs? Will they be more available before or after their jobs. Ask them what time will work.

  3. What type of class are you offering? If its a more active class earlier morning or earlier in the evening might be better for people, If its a Yoga Nidra or meditation class, perhaps even later like 8pm would be great to help people wind down before bed.

One nice place to start is 2 classes at the same time during the week. For example, Tuesday/Thursday at 9am or Monday/Thursday at 7pm. Also, weekend mornings are great times. If you already have 1 class perhaps add one more a few days later.

Thoughts of why this is important:

  1. If they can come 1 day, they will likely be able to come the same time 2 days later.

  2. Should you decide to offer recordings available for 24 hours after the class time (and I do recommend this), this gives people ample time to do the recording and then come to a class live a few days later. This will also boost your revenue.

Sit for a bit and feel into what feels good to you in regards to your schedule.


When it comes to pricing it is very individualized and personal. However, what I’ve found is that yoga teachers in particular have a block around charging for their classes and private lessons. There is a notion that money is not spiritual and that its not important.

Money is important. It’s one of the foundational energies of life. We are in a relationship with money and ideally, like in any healthy relationship, we want that relationship to have a give and a take. We want there to be a healthy flow in and out.

What you are giving has value. You spent a lot of money for training, a lot of time to get trained, a lot of time to prep for your classes, all of your time reading, studying and practicing. You bring all of this to your classes. Also, when I have over discounted or over given of my time I have found that I feel drained after those teaching experiences. Definitely receive enough so that you don’t drain but get fed emotionally and energetically by your teaching offering.

Other things to take into consideration:

  1. Is this your primary source of income? Or is this income secondary?

  2. Do you want part or all of your income from classes to go to an organization or cause?

  3. 30% of your income is going to taxes. So, if you make $100 on a class, $30 of that goes to state and IRS.

All of that being said, you can setup your pricing in lots of different ways. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Have a set fee for each class (ie. $20/class)

  2. Have a set fee for each class OR pay what you can

  3. Create a sliding scale (ie $10-$20/class)

  4. Create drop in rate and class packages.

    One note with packages, unless you have software keeping track of your class packages, its a little more work for you to keep track on the back end. Checkout the tracking spreadsheet to see how I do it.
    You can get super creative with this. Here are a few examples

    • $20 each or buy 5 get one free

    • $20 each or 5 for $85 ($15 discount)

    • $20 each or 5 for $90 (10% off or $18 per class)

  5. Add a donation aspect. For example

    • 10% of all proceeds go to the ASPCA

    • specific classes are donation only

  6. Remember that whatever you choose, you are contributing to the bigger perceptual value of yoga classes. So, if you undervalue your class, it does affect the undervaluing of yoga classes in general. This is true of private classes as well.

Take a little time to reflect on what feels nice to your body when you think about charging certain amounts of money. You may get a sensation in your gut or heart. Just checkin and marinate on that for a bit. The answers will come. And the beauty is that can all change cause this is your business and you’re the boss.

Next steps:

-Finalize your schedule
-Decide on your pricing
-Add your questions to the spreadsheet and send all feedback to

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