Teaching on Zoom
Setting up your camera
Start your personal meeting id zoom room and setup the camera and your space so that your students can see you on your monitor. If you are teaching yoga the best way is to have your mat horizontal to the camera and at the bottom of the screen. Stand on your mat and make sure the monitor shows your whole body, from mat to head when you’re standing on it.
Checking in on students
Checking to make sure that your students are doing what you asked them to do.
I go back and forth from my mat many times throughout class.
Make your students feel seen and heard
Open your meeting room at least 5 mins before the start of your class time. You could open the room 15 mins before and keep your video and audio off until you decide to turn it on.
Welcome each student into the zoom room as they arrive.
As people are coming in, help them setup their camera so you can see them optimally throughout class. Suggest they gather any props or materials they will need for class.
Start and end on time.
Give everyone some acknowledgement during class. Comment, use their name, praise or give them something to work on. Make it special for them.
Announcements at the end of class - (ie. new classes coming up, workshops, signup for your email, promotions, things coming up, etc. )
I do sometimes stay after to chat with students. Make sure you turn off the recording before you start chatting so that your conversations are private.
Recordings can be available soon after class up to 24 hours after class ends. You will receive an email when your recording is ready. Go to and login.
Click on recordings on the left side of your screen.
Find the class you’d like the link to (this is where naming your classes will come in handy)
Click on the share button to the right hand side of that class
Click “copy sharing information to clipboard”
Paste it in an email or text to your students.
Delete the recording 24 hours after your class time. (or the time you’ve designated)
Storing recordings
You can keep your classes on zoom up to 1GB of storage with your Pro account. Above that you pay. Check your plans and pricing for more information.
If you want to save your classes for a future membership site or for your own reference, you ideally need 2 forms of backup in case something happens to one of them. A combination of an external hard drive and your zoom or some other cloud based account can be a great system. alternatively, You can use 2 external hard drives. Totally up to you.
Cloud - icloud, google drive or dropbox
External Hard drive - I encourage you to invest in a high quality external hard drive. This is the one I use and they have a great warranty and data retrieval program. La Cie 4TB Hard Drive.