I'm Feeling Emotions My Mind Doesn't Understand

You're sitting at dinner and all of the sudden your chest gets tight and you feel like you want to run out of the room.  That's weird, you think.  There's nothing specific happening that would evoke such a big emotion but yet your body is screaming at you, "get out of here!" 

It's confusing and your mind wants to figure it out.

You feel exhausted but you had a good night sleep.  Why am I so tired.

You are spacing out but you've had your coffee.  Why am I so spacey?

You're irritated at everyone you come in contact with today but you don't understand why.  Why am I so irritated?

Let's make some sense of this.

Your Nervous System's Memory bank:

Once you start to connect that what you're experiencing is in your nervous system, you realize you don't have to figure out why you feel the way you feel.  (A relief, right?!?!?).  What you're feeling might be from something that's happening in the moment or it could be that something that's happening in the moment is reminding your system of something that happened in the past.  Your Nervous System has a memory bank and it remembers everything you have ever experienced, some say it can go back to conception and even generationally. 

Ultimately the goal is to feel different.  Here's how:

Instead of trying to figure out why you feel the way you feel, shift your attention to your Nervous system which you can also think of as your body's brain.  Identify what state your NS is in, then use tools to regulate and digest any emotional charge that's in your body.  This is a moment-to-moment process of being in a relationship with your nervous system which is honestly the longest relationship you're ever gonna have.

Working with your nervous system is the quickest way to shift out of feeling anxious, stuck, depressed or overwhelmed because your nervous system directly affects your thoughts, emotions, behaviors/impulses.

You ready?

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