Boundaries and Limits


When you hear the word boundary, what does that bring up for you?

Sometimes it’s hard to know where or what boundaries are.

Your sense of personal boundaries informs your capacity to give, receive and honor consent”

Natural Intelligence by Aposhyan

It’s likely that you fall into one or another camp, you either set very rigid boundaries or have very few or very loose boundaries. Here’s what these two extremes can look like in your life:

  • Not following through on a promise to yourself (ie. changing habits)

  • Over or under eating

  • Over or underworking

  • Procrastination

  • Saying “yes” when you don’t want to, don’t have time or energy to do so.

  • Not having business guidelines or protocols

  • Being a rescuer in relationships

  • Afraid to say “no” because it might end a relationship

  • Trading your services when you’re financially struggling or charging less than what you can afford.

  • Making sure everyone else is ok or taken care of when your own bodyhome needs space, rest, or attention.

  • Not asking for help when you need it

  • Not knowing what you want or need

  • Always trying to do the “right” thing while ignoring what you actually feel?

  • Feeling “sick” when you need to show up for something (your body sets the boundary for you)

Beginning to know and practice your limits and boundaries starts in your bodyhome. Inside your very intelligent and beautiful nervous system. It’s learning how to feel your own embodiment and from that place, you’ll have greater access to :

Knowing What’s mine and what’s yours
Advocating for yourself with authority figures including medical doctors
Knowing when something is a “no” for you
Knowing when something is a “yes” for you
Managing your energy so you can take action in your life.

If you’re ready to shift these old patterns which reside in your nervous system, contact me here to discuss moving forward with 1 on 1 work. OR, join a Somatic movement class this week where we’ll play with some boundary exercises to feel your own body container with more clarity.

with LOVE and Regulation