How to Feel Empowered When You're Triggered - For Highly Sensitive People (HSP)
/Do you identify as an HSP (highly sensitive person) or do you feel like you are super sensitive to other people's energy, get easily annoyed, triggered, or exhausted from your environment? Have you ever felt these things? Yeah, Me too.
This is for you.
Your body home is taking in and digesting all of the experiences it has. Just like your digestive system digests the food you eat, your nervous system digests experiences, sights, sounds, sensations, memories, thoughts, experiences that are soothing, and those that are jarring or intense. Ideally, these experiences are fully digested, assimilated, and completed. If they aren't, they get stored as energies inside your body home that are trying to complete, but can't. Similar to when you eat way too much at a meal and there isn't enough room in your belly to move the food around. You've probably experienced this. It’s much harder for your belly to fully digest what you put in because there isn't enough space for the digestive juices to churn and it all breaks down. All of your body's life energy goes to digest that packed in pooch, making you tired and needing to rest until the food is a bit digested and your energy comes back into the rest of your body.
When your nervous system doesn't digest or complete its experiences, they settle inside your bodyhome. Over time, we collect them and as your body container fills up with more and more old uncompleted experiences, two things happen.
Your container is full of these old experiences
Your body is using a lot of your life force to manage all of that old energy
Circling back around to the HSP. If you find yourself super sensitivo, it's likely that your nervous system belly is full at that moment. This can make you feel irritable, annoyed, frustrated, and even angry when seemingly small insignificant things happen. The lights become too bright, the sound is too loud, people are annoying. It’s also common that those sensitivities come with aches, pains, and other health problems like migraines and stomach issues.
So, how do you change this pattern and feel empowered when you’re sensitive and triggered?
When I hear people say "I'm an HSP", I cringe a little bit. Labeling yourself as a certain "type" of person is a limiting perspective in terms of human growth and healing. And we know from neuroscience that your brain (which is your brain in your head and your body brain aka. your nervous system) can grow and change through neuroplasticity. So, if you find yourself saying you're an HSP and want to become more resilient to your surroundings and others, your first step is to see yourself as a human having inner experiences that can change over time.
Shift your attention away from the story
Learn HOW to complete your experiences and emotions. This is actually supernatural but we have been cultured out of it and most of the humans I know weren't taught or modeled this way of being by their caregivers growing up. This completion happens in your body physiology, not in your head. This is why talking about what someone did that was so annoying isn't always enough to change the way you react to it.
Shift your attention to your body and your surroundings
Becoming aware of your body and bringing your senses into your experience can help to shift your body into more of a regulated state which will help your nervous system settle a bit, creating a feeling of calm awake and a little more openness.
Process the energy of emotion
This is not what you might think. Processing the irritation, frustration, or reaction to the trigger happens in your physiology, not in your head. All triggers and emotions have a body experience to them. Leaning in and getting to know that experience in a regulated way will help your nervous system digest, metabolize and complete these responses. Which will in turn create more space in your body container. The good news is, you don't always have to know why you are having the experiences you are having. You can complete them without it. Although I find with myself and with my clients that meaning comes from actually moving the energy through the body, not the other way around.
Ride the waves
As you continue to regulate and process the energy of emotion in your body, you will find that you experience waves of emotion that come and go. Learning to ride these waves makes you more resilient and more able to handle what you couldn't before.
Are you ready to become more resilient?
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with LOVE and Regulation