Plant Pups and Your Nervous System

Yesterday, I spent the majority of the day caring for my plant babies. In case I haven’t shared this, I am obsessed with propagation and plant life. In the summer, it’s mostly in my garden but in the wintertime, I’m inside with my plants where there is lots of life and death happening.

So, back to yesterday. I was getting dirty repotting a few plants but mostly, I was taking care of the babies that had emerged on my elephant ear and pilea plants. Both of these plants make little babies or pups (I can’t with the cuteness of this word) that grow alongside the mommy.

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Yes, it’s a lot of work to care of my plants. It’s the kind of work that feels meditative, inspires you, and delivers messages.

Separating the babies from the mommy took a lot of slow care to keep the stalk intact as well as making sure not to damage the roots. Then, planting it in rich organic soil and of course, set in just the right amount of light so the pup can grow on its own.

Yesterday’s time with the pups got me thinking about conditions.

What are the right conditions for your body system, nerves, and subsequently all of your cells, to do decrease inflammation and increase vitality?

What would it be like to treat your body system with as much care as a little baby plant with brand new roots?

  • What would that feel like?

  • Does it increase or diminish pain?

  • Does it level your emotions or are they all over the place?

  • Does it calm down or increase stress/anxiety?

  • Does it increase or decrease your stress levels?

  • Are you more or less focused?

It is from this place of deep curiosity, care, and compassion that you can complete stuck stress and trauma. This all begins with getting very curious about what is actually happening in your physiology, not the story or the meaning you’re making of it, but what is actually happening. This requires trust and a felt sense of safety (regulation). When you can learn to work with your body’s experiences, it is truly magical what your body can free up for you.


Let’s go deeper into it.

Here are some options:

~ Go here to schedule a private complimentary 1-on-1 consult. Want to read about a client’s experience working with me? Her testimonial is here.

~ Join a somatic movement class at Each class includes nervous system regulation so you’ll get the benefits of finding a sense of ease and calm in your body-home.

~The next Settle Your Sh*t - Introductory Online Workshop is in February. Stay tuned for the date

Carve out space to develop a connection to your nervous system this week.

With Love and Regulation

P.S. It’s not normal to feel anxiety, depression, and overwhelm just because everyone else does too. Let’s clear what’s bogging you down so you can enjoy your life and thrive. Let’s chat