Asking and Receiving

Having a birthday during the pandemic is so bazaar. It is almost a year since we started lockdown, I’m sure you have experienced it. You may have felt,
“What’s the point of celebrating?”
“If I can’t do it the way I want it., what’s the point?”
”Whatever, other people are suffering so, I’ll celebrate next year”

The truth is, we don’t know what the future holds and what kind of ways we’ll be able to be together to celebrate milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries, marriage, death. So, as my birthday approached, my sistah asked me, “what do you want for your birthday?”

“All I want is a zoom party. “ I requested.

Mostly, my wish was to see all of my people and their faces together. Oh, and I didn’t want to plan it. That was the plain and simple ask.

You guys, I received the most incredible zoom party I could have imagined. With all of the faces of my people on the screen at once, I felt my heart burst open. I got that gift of connection, face to face recognition and my body settled a bit. Then, we played a few group games that expressed everyone’s love for me. After that love bomb, there was a video filled with all of my people singing, dancing, and some even wearing wigs and costumes expressing their birthday wishes. I laughed and cried. It was incredible!!!! Then, we danced, of course.

Asking for what you really want isn’t easy. It’s even harder and more complicated when there’s been loss, childhood or adulthood trauma, or neglect.

Perhaps your desire is a certain kind of listening, emotional support, or touch, It takes a lot of inner clarity, to know “what do I want”? It takes feeling deserving and a willingness to receive whatever is being given.

All of that inner clarity, worthiness, and willingness to receive happens from a state of regulation. In a world of total uncertainty and threat in so many forms, regulation is hard to come by. If you’re struggling to feel clarity, feel deserving, and be receptive, reach out for support. Let’s get you feeling what you want to feel.

With LOVE and Regulation