I Can't Do One More Thing!

Fall is a very challenging time for the body and the nervous system.  As the seasons change, temps change our bodies have to adjust.  You may find yourself getting a cold this time of year, feeling more tired or more lethargic. 

Adjustments in season mean adjustments in HOW you take care of your BodyHome. 

Taking care of your BodyHome can feel downright impossible if you're struggling with anxiety, reactivity, and stuckness in your nervous system.  One more thing to do is just too freaking much.

I remember at the height of anxiety and stuckness, it was close to impossible to take action on the things that would make me feel better. Anyone who tried to give me advice or ideas on what to do completely annoyed me. I was totally overloaded. Plus, I was trying different therapies and nothing was helping me. I felt stuck on a hamster wheel.

I get it!  And, I'm not going to give you one more thing to do. 

Because it doesn't matter who tells you what to do. It doesn't even matter that you know what to do and you'll feel better if you do those things.  Everything feels like too much.  And when it's too much your nervous system will stop you from doing those things even though you know they're good for you. 

Your nervous system states affect your thoughts, behaviors, and the story you tell yourself about what's happening. So, the thing that will help you to move forward is to shift your nervous system state a little bit each day. Those little bits will evolve into longer bits over time. Then you can clear what's keeping you stuck and start to find real traction in how you feel and in what you're able to accomplish.

Ready to get unstuck? 

Reply to this email and schedule a 1 on 1 consult for private Somatic Experiencing sessions.  Let's get you moving towards how you truly want to feel in your life and moving towards your goals.

Or, join a Somatic Movement Class this week to add regulation tools and healthy movement to your life.

This week's schedule:

Monday 6-7 pm CST Somatic yoga
Wednesday 9:30-10:30 am CST Somatic Bowspring
Friday 12-1 pm CST Somatic Yoga
Saturday 10-11:15 am CST Somatic Yoga

With LOVE, Courage, and Regulation

P.S.  Read last week’s blog post What reshaping your nervous system feels like