What Reshaping Your Nervous System Feels Like

I'm sitting at a café working on my business.  I'm writing copy for my new website and thinking about how long it has taken me to just sit down and do it.  I will tell you, it's been years. Typically I wait until the last minute or just don't do it.

I cannot tell you how much I procrastinate stepping towards things that are good for me by doing other things, really ANYTHING but sitting down and focusing on it.  Cooking, cleaning, calling a friend, binge-watching shows, eating desserts or too much food, etc...  Can you relate?

And yet, today, I finished my client work, packed my bag, and got out of the house to focus on this.

That is brand new!

Being consistent with things that are scary is sooooo hard for me and for my clients.  And I know that it has everything to do with the patterns in my nervous system.

What I've noticed as I continue to do this work for my clients and for myself is 

Shifting patterns IS possible.

While everyone's process is different, and you go back and forth between steps, this is the general way it looks.

In the beginning, you develop skills that help your nervous system feel at ease again.  You learn how to track and regulate your nervous system.  As you notice little ways to feel at ease, you'll move from anxious, reactive, and stuck into feeling present and relaxed.  You'll start to create a new way of relating to yourself that feels good.  This part takes work because you're developing new ways of paying attention to your BodyHome and taking care of yourself.

As you regulate and feel more at ease you'll notice old feelings causing the stuckness you feel will begin to surface.  With the support of a practitioner, you will learn how to surf these feelings through little bit at a time.  You'll notice yourself feeling at ease and present more often.  And if you tend to feel uncomfortable when you're still or at ease, that will diminish.  Don't worry, you can still get shit done when you're regulated. It's a lot easier and you won't feel as exhausted at the end of the day.

Over time,  you'll start to feel like you have choices in how you want to move forward.  You won't feel as though your nervous system is controlling you by keeping you stuck.  Whether it's moving towards something you want to do or getting triggered with old intense emotions, you'll feel that you have control and you have choices on your next steps.  You know you can do the old pattern but you feel like you could choose the new one.  And eventually, you do.  So, stuffing your face with cookies would be a choice rather than a compulsion.

Ready to get unstuck? 

Reply to this email and schedule a 1 on 1 consult for private Somatic Experiencing sessions.  Let's get you moving towards how you truly want to feel in your life and moving towards your goals.

Or, join a Somatic Movement Class this week to add regulation tools and healthy movement to your life.

This week's schedule:

Monday 6-7pm CST Somatic yoga
Wednesday 9:30-10:30 am CST Somatic Bowspring
Friday 12-1pm CST Somatic Yoga
Saturday 10-11:15am CST Somatic Yoga

With LOVE, Courage, and Regulation


P.S.  Read last week’s blog post They did the best they could and it could be worse