Emotional Tools You Can Trust

Like me, you've read a million books on self-care, self-help, self-love, self-improvement, spirituality, etc.  You've probably tried every diet and seen therapists and psychiatrists.  You've done women's circles and yoga retreats.  You've tried the things and you know what to do.

Yet, something is still off.  You're still reactive, anxious, overwhelmed, stuck in fear, or stuck in old patterns. 

After doing all of that work, spending so much time and so much money trying different therapies, and then finding yourself feeling the same way, it’s hard to trust in the tools you've learned.  Or perhaps you're just so damn tired of trying.

I get it and I'm with you.

This time of year is so emotional, with the holidays and increased family time,  a lot of emotions you may have been able to glide through the rest of the year get kicked to the surface.  Especially if you've lost a loved one in your life.  Traditions and memories can bring back the many emotions of grief (anger, resentment, fear, sadness, fondness, love, loneliness). 

It's a lot to handle on top of all of the other stress you're nervous system is under living at this time (cue:  the pandemic, social unrest, racism, sexism, etc).

I take refuge in the somatic tools that I can rely on during this time of year.  It is so empowering to know you can build resilience and surf the emotions that arise.  I searched for these tools for so long and now that I've found something that works, I want to share that with you.  I know you can feel that empowerment too.  You can have tools that you rely on that actually work to help you to feel present, at ease, and wanting to connect with the people in your life.

When we work together we custom build a toolbox for you.  You'll have somatic exercises to build resilience.  You'll also have tools you can use when you're with other people and you get triggered or overwhelmed.  What a relief. 

If you are resonating with this I invite you to reply to this email to book a 30-minute complimentary consultation with me for private work.  Sessions are online.

And, join a Somatic Movement (movement +nervous system regulation) class this week.
With LOVE, Courage, and Regulation

P.S.  Read last week’s blog post I know you know