I Know You Know

Hello Friend

Honestly, it’s very challenging to write about nervous system work because so much of it is about experiencing what's happening inside, which is very different from reading about it, thinking about it, or knowing what to do.

I find that a lot of my clients know these concepts.  You most likely do too.  You know that trauma (aka stuck stress-energy) is in your body and it's limiting you from feeling connection, feeling curious, and fully alive.  When you're in that overwhelm, anxiety, anger, rage, dissociation, and chronic sadness, you know that you need to learn how to regulate and feel these emotions to completion. 

I know you know!

And you may even give this advice to your friends when they come to you for support.

As a lovely woman said to me the other day, "I don't practice what I preach".

When I say practice I don't mean meditation or yoga or going to talk therapy.  I don't mean knowing where your emotional patterns/addictions come from or being able to rationalize yourself out of feeling bad in the moment.  Those are all amazing things, but they are different than working with your nervous system's cues and reshaping how you respond to stress. 

Also, who the hell wants to feel the volcano of anger, sadness, grief and longing that is brewing inside.  NO ONE.  And your nervous system is going to do anything it can to keep you from feeling those things because it's scary, it's big and you don't know how to do it in a way that will complete those feelings.  You're afraid you're going to hurt someone or yourself.  It's too much and frankly, you'd rather just eat a box of cookies (insert your favorite emotional avoidance tool here) and move on.  Which, by the way, just increases the intensity of these emotions over time.

And it's not your fault.  No one has taught us how to do this, it's not supported in our current lifestyle, our parents didn't know how and it wasn't taught in school.  If I'm being totally honest, that's where we should have learned it. 

No worries babe, I got chu.

Life is stressful and complicated right now.  And it's only going to continue to be strange and uncertain.  We need these tools.  It's time.  In fact, it's way overdue.

Because we're working with the nervous system it is the most foundational place to create lasting change. 

If you are resonating with this I invite you to reply to this email to book a 30-minute complimentary consultation with me for private work.

And, join a Somatic Movement (movement +nervous system regulation) class this week.

With LOVE, Courage, and Regulation

P.S.  Read last week’s blog post I can't be consistent