Feeling Trapped by Old Patterns?
/Do you find yourself or others in your life complaining about the same thing or the same issue over and over again?
When stuck in a rut of old patterns, first it can feel as if you’re trapped.
Why is everyone always giving me advice? I must be __________
What am I always left out?
I'm never going to get what I want to achieve what I want
I've tried EVERYTHING, NOTHING will EVER work for me
MY trauma is too intense to get better, I'm doomed for life
I have ____________ diagnosis so this is just how it is. I have to suffer through it.
Or perhaps you feel the same stuff in your body all the time
Chronic pain in one area or all over
Migraines when you get your period
Feeling dizzy or spacey in your head
Hard to concentrate
Heart racing for "no reason"
Super sensitive
Overeating, medicating, sexing, drugging
Yeah, that stuff.
First, I just want you to know this makes so much sense. Your nervous system created these beliefs and body patterns to protect you and keep you alive. And you made it...you ARE ALIVE. So, your system did it's job.
Thanks, nervous system!
But these old patterns (ie defensive responses) aren't working for you anymore. It's time to make a change.
You know new patterns can be created, you believe you can change but you've tried all the stuff and nothing WORKED.
the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections,
especially in response to learning or experience
-Oxford Languages
Change happens in your BodyHome. In your physiology. In your nervous system. When you learn how to add this nervous system piece, your sensations, images, impulses, and emotions, it creates space for your old patterns to digest.
It’s not enough to strategize and think differently about your patterns. You already did all that in the years and maybe decades of therapy and self-care. Let’s be honest. If that worked for you, you wouldn't be reading this far.
Let's do it differently together.
With the tools of Somatic Experiencing you can create new patterns to feeling easeful, peaceful, and full range of emotion without feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, anxious, or in pain. You will feel like your whole self again
Contact me here for 1 on 1 sessions
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