How to Treat Trauma

When I say trauma, I mean the way your nervous system, your automatic protective system, has held on to old experiences. In the nervous system healing world, trauma is not the event, but the stuck stress-energy in your nervous system from your experiences.

In order to treat and digest or release this stuck stress-energy, or trauma, we work inside your physiology which is your body and mind. I call it your BodyHome. It includes thoughts & meaning, impulses & behaviors, emotions, images & visions, and finally sensations.

While hanging out with my 2-year-old niece this past month, I had a huge ah-hah moment. She was narrating what she was seeing, doing, hearing, and feeling. And each time, I or my sis (her mom) would repeat what she was saying. Validating it. Helping her to feel seen, heard, and helping her to learn about her own body and the world around her. First had I understood, this act of her experiencing something and then having it validated was developing her ability to digest her experiences increasing her capacity to handle life as it comes.

When you’re interacting with your somatic system, it is very impactful to treat your system like a 2-year-old. To find a way to invite your somatic senses into your experience and validate them. This is what practicing self-love, care, and honoring actually means on a nervous system level. And your autonomic nervous system is not only for protection, its job is to keep you alive on every level. It beats your heart, breathes your breath, manages your blood sugar, triggers oxytocin and cortisol among other chemicals and hormones.

So… it controls your mental and physical health. It’s a big deal!

This work takes learning new skills and new patterns.
Let’s learn together in one on one sessions or in class this week.

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with LOVE, courage, and Regulation