Anxiety , Overwhelm and Overthinking

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Been thinking a lot...about thinking. (HAH, of course!)

The head really gets so much air time.

Are you an overthinker too?  Do you ever get sick of your own thoughts repeating over and over again?  Judgments, complaints, self-criticism, ruminating about the same conversation over and over again, planning, deciding.  OY!!

It's exhausting!

If only thinking through things worked, you’d be healed by now, my friend.

On a purely literal level, it is so ridiculous to only use 1/8 of your resources.  Your little noggen, the orb at the top of your body, YOUR head is a small part of the whole of your physical body.  Also, the brain in your head is attached to the brain in your spine, organs, and entire body system.  What about all that OTHER information?  When do you pay attention to the rest of your body experiences? 

It's not usually when you're having a nice time with someone or appreciating a movie or taking a walk outside. 

I'll tell you when. 

You pay the most attention when you're having pain or discomfort.  When your heart is breaking or you're irritable or having cramps.  How would you feel if you were ignored for the most part all day, even though you're right there in the room?  It would take me all of 5 seconds to be hurt by that and I might want to throw a tantrum. The struggle with anxiety, depression, overwhelm is your BodyHome saying, "LISTEN TO ME"

I'm very curious about what it can feel like when I let other parts of me have some air time.  What's it like to take more time during the day to feel sensations? to notice images in my mind? to feel impulses and emotions?

Think of your body as a community.  When it comes to any community, collaboration from the members brings about greater expansion.  Letting the mind experience these other aspects of yourself, Images, Emotions, Impulses, and Sensations, you can be more efficient in how you spend your life energy.

Have you been riding extreme emotions these days and tried thinking yourself through it on your own or in therapy? All of the thinking has been helpful but you're still not feeling the way you want to feel, perhaps now is the time to approach healing in a new way, from your body.

Somatic Experiencing will help you reclaim more of yourself and build a lifelong relationship with your BodyHome. You will feel that you're more in control, that you have the capacity to handle the emotions that arise and you will feel as if you're coming back to yourself. The best is you will have more sustained energy.

Ready to reclaim yourself with 1 on 1 work? Click here to set up a complimentary 30-minute consult

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