How is Somatic Therapy Different?
/When I do complimentary consults with people, they tell me their story and symptoms (typically people come to when they're feeling stuck, anxious, chronically angry, and/or depressed as well as chronic pain). If it feels like a good fit for both of us, I explain how we can work together to support their transformation.
Then I usually get this question, how are we going to do that? What does it look like? And how is this different than talk therapy?
These are great questions. I wondered this too when I started and I'm so glad you asked.
Talk therapy tends to utilize the cognitive part of your brain to talk through memories, see patterns, and understand where you came from and why you have these patterns. It helps you to make meaning of those patterns with an empathic guide and witness. Some talk therapies also bring aspects of mindfulness, creativity, and imagination into the process.
I am trained in Somatic Experiencing. Read till the end for a link to their website and my listing.
Somatic Experiencing clears stuck stress aka trauma and brings about ease, feeling of safety, creativity, and willingness to connect with others by working with your beautiful nervous system. Your nervous system is the underlying intelligent glue of your entire being. When we work with your nervous system, you will get in touch with the somatic (soma means of the body) part of you as well as the part of you that talk therapy touches.
Your wholeness is made up of:
So much of our culture and upbringing represses or ignores these amazing and highly intelligent parts of you that are a portal to your healing. A big part of the Settle Your Sh*t process is to clear the stuck stress causing anxiety, feeling stuck, chronic pain, and depression by bringing together all of these parts of yourself. Your whole self feels like you can move forward in your life, connect with the people you love, and safely experience the full range of emotions.
I spent decades wondering what was wrong with me. I felt disconnected, depressed, and like I was living on a different dimension. I felt alone and that no one understood me, that I was damaged. It went on for so many decades and tried so many therapies, diets, and modalities that there was a part of me that felt like healing wasn't possible and that I would never feel how I wanted to feel. When I started this work, I began to feel something different emerge in me. I now FEEL connected, a part of this world, the full range of emotions without it shutting me down. I feel empowered because I now know how to handle the stress that comes my way. I know that I've got me.
If my system can shift then yours certainly can too!
If you're ready to step into your own healing I invite you to join the Settle Your Sh*t Healing Group.
This is a group of 10 women and female-identified humans who are wanting to do this work in the community. We will meet on zoom weekly for 5 weeks and do the work of connecting to your beautiful and highly intelligent nervous system.
Once I have a full group we will decide together on our day/time.
Signup on the waitlist here
You are not alone. Your nervous system is waiting for you. Let's support it and you in feeling you're wholeness.
Rather do private 1 on 1 work?
Reply to this email to set up a 30-minute consultation
Check out the weekly class schedule and info on Somatic Experiencing below
With LOVE and Regulation~
Classes this week:
Wednesday 9:30-10:30 am CST Somatic Bowspring
Saturday 10-11:15 am CST Somatic Yoga
Register at:
Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing Training Institute