"It’s all unfolding faster than my nervous system and psyche can manage it"- John Kabat Zinn

I'm sure you've experienced it.  Life has become unmanageable and you're feeling anxious, stuck,or highly emotional and you don't know what to do.

"It’s all unfolding faster than my
nervous system and psyche can manage it"
- John Kabat Zinn

Should I calm myself down?
Should I push through and wait for it to pass?

There's something in you that knows you have to do something.  And you know it goes deeper than your thoughts and memories, it's in your body. But all you have is your old strategies that might dull the pain for the short term.

I lived in this space for 45 years.  Feeling like my emotions were controlling me rather than feeling as if I have control.  I hated it and I started hating myself.  I felt like no matter what I tried, the effects were short-lived and I was right back into my old patterns.  It felt like these patterns were who I was and I just had to accept it.

Then, I found a way to understand these patterns and the exact tools that worked for my nervous system.  This was absolute freedom.  I started to see shifts very soon after I started receiving Somatic Experiencing sessions and even 6 years later, I still see them happening, for myself and my clients every day.

You can feel empowered with tools that work specifically for your nervous system.  This isn't some cookie-cutter plan or process.  This is actual science that you can apply to your specific nervous system and develop ways of relating to yourself that will help you shift out of feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and stuck.

Ready to get started?
Signup for the next Settle Your Sh*t healing group here
Reach out here to set up a 30-minute complimentary consultation regarding somatic therapy

Check out the weekly somatic movement class schedule here

With LOVE and Regulation~